Posts with the tag “steve-downs”
Five Spiritual Takeaways From “The Boys In The Boat”
by Steve Downs on June 13th, 2024
The best stories are those that have a theme of redemption and spiritual lessons we can apply to our lives. One of those stories was portrayed in a recent movie release entitled, “The Boys in the Boat.” It wasn’t a Christian movie (there is no mention of Christ or faith), but it spurred me to think of several spiritual lessons that could be applied to my life.The movie is based on a true story t... Read More
An Attitude of Gratitude
by Laura Brown on November 22nd, 2023
I love the Thanksgiving holiday. It’s the one true American holiday where we are supposed to slow down, spend quality time with family and friends, and reflect on all that we have to be grateful for in our lives.I have such fond memories of Thanksgiving Holidays in the past. I remember the smells of the turkey feast being prepared, the huge array of foods that we only enjoy on this special day, ... Read More
Wilderness Experiences
by Laura Brown on September 15th, 2023
Exodus 15-17 is the account of God dealing with the Israelites in the wilderness. We all go through “wilderness experiences” in life. These experiences are often what God uses to chisel and grow us into a deeper maturity in our walk with Jesus.To fully understand the lessons God is teaching the Israelites through these wilderness experiences in Exodus, we need to be reminded of the events that t... Read More
Leadership Character for a Lifetime
by Laura Brown on May 18th, 2023
Several recent leadership studies have asked the question, “What is the most important quality or characteristic of a good leader”? The answer these respondents provided may surprise you. The overwhelming majority said that integrity or character was the most important quality of a good and effective leader.Good integrity (character) takes a lifetime to build and a moment to destroy. We see t... Read More
The Power of a Renewed Mind
by Laura Brown on February 17th, 2023
Many people feel great pressure to conform to the cultural influences that are all around them, or they struggle under the grip of circumstances that interrupt their normal rhythms. In his letter to the believers in Rome, Paul provides an anecdote concerning how to overcome this daily battle that plagues so many people.In Romans 12:1-2, Paul is like a coach who is encouraging and challenging an a... Read More
The Supremacy of Christ
by Laura Brown on May 5th, 2022
I don’t know about you, but when I read the headlines, watch the news on TV, or listen to podcasts, it often seems like the world is chaotic and out of control. When I watch the increase in lawlessness, the disrespect for life and common decency, the evil going on in Ukraine, the atrocities in China, etc., it can be so discouraging and disheartening. Wrong is right. Right is wrong. Truth is rela... Read More
Reflecting on 40 Years of Marriage
by Laura Brown on September 9th, 2021
On September 26, 2021, Terri and I will celebrate 40 years of marriage together. While the years have gone by fast, we have experienced some very long days.We are both very committed to pouring into the lives of others. While reflecting on our 40 years together, we thought that sharing some of our journey might be an encouragement to others.From the beginning of our relationship, we have seen G... Read More
The Battle Belongs to the Lord
by Laura Brown on June 10th, 2021
I think we all would agree that we live in a broken world. All around us we see the ravages of sin and the results of people believing in and pursuing the lies and deceptions of Satan. Because of sin’s stain in our world, we face battles every day that require us to make choices concerning how we will attack and face the challenges and enemies we encounter. One of the great encouragements the L... Read More
Hope in Troubled Times
by Laura Brown on March 18th, 2021
We are living in very troubling and uncertain times. These are days like I have never experienced before in my lifetime (and I have been around for a number of years)The impact of the COVID virus has shut down any sense of normalcy worldwide. Most everything has been altered in our daily lives. Fear and differing opinions resulting from the virus have driven a wedge between families, friends an... Read More
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