Preparing for Easter
By Matt Vorhees
Easter Sunday is less than three weeks away. Do you know where Jesus was three weeks before His death, burial, and resurrection? He was in Jerusalem for the final week, but what about three weeks before?
According to John, He was in the region of Perea, just east of Jericho, across the Jordan, the place where His ministry began when He was baptized by John (John 10:40-42). And John tells us, “…and there he remained.”
So, what was Jesus doing these final months before Passion Week? He taught a number of fascinating parables, most notably the Parables of the Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, and Lost Sons. He had some memorable interactions with some key individuals, like the Rich Young Ruler and Zacchaeus. He performed some vivid miracles like raising Lazarus from the dead and healing blind Bartimaeus.
Even as Jesus waited for His “hour” to come in an obscure place, John says, “many came to him…and many believed in Him there.” And while it isn’t the point of why John is writing, I think there’s a spiritual principle here.
Jesus bids you to come and be with Him. True, He’s with you always by the indwelling Holy Spirit. But He doesn’t force you to pay attention to Him. He waits for you to turn your gaze and your affection toward Him. And when we do, He shows us more of His Marvelous Self, and we believe in Him afresh and anew, and we’re changed.
Let’s prepare for Easter by going to Jesus in our daily lives through His Word and prayer so that He can show us more of Himself.
According to John, He was in the region of Perea, just east of Jericho, across the Jordan, the place where His ministry began when He was baptized by John (John 10:40-42). And John tells us, “…and there he remained.”
So, what was Jesus doing these final months before Passion Week? He taught a number of fascinating parables, most notably the Parables of the Lost Sheep, Lost Coin, and Lost Sons. He had some memorable interactions with some key individuals, like the Rich Young Ruler and Zacchaeus. He performed some vivid miracles like raising Lazarus from the dead and healing blind Bartimaeus.
Even as Jesus waited for His “hour” to come in an obscure place, John says, “many came to him…and many believed in Him there.” And while it isn’t the point of why John is writing, I think there’s a spiritual principle here.
Jesus bids you to come and be with Him. True, He’s with you always by the indwelling Holy Spirit. But He doesn’t force you to pay attention to Him. He waits for you to turn your gaze and your affection toward Him. And when we do, He shows us more of His Marvelous Self, and we believe in Him afresh and anew, and we’re changed.
Let’s prepare for Easter by going to Jesus in our daily lives through His Word and prayer so that He can show us more of Himself.
Posted in Matt Vorhees
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