Know. Grow. Go.
RiverLakes Community Church is a body of believers called to glorify God by declaring the gospel, maturing believers, and giving our lives away for Jesus Christ's sake.
Los Angeles Fire Relief
The Los Angeles area is still suffering from the devastating effects of the wildfires that swept through last month. If you would like to help with relief efforts, there are a few options available.

Current Sermon Series
The Gospel According to Luke
Pt. 4 Ministry in Galilee
Gospel Centered
Biblical Foundation
Dependent Prayer
Relational Discipleship
Spiritual Maturity
Family Focus
Relentless Evangelism
Gospel Centered
We believe that the ability to live the Christian life is rooted firmly in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus who forgives our sins and empowers us to live a new life.
Biblical Foundation
We believe being a disciple means building our lives on the clear teaching of Scripture.
Dependent Prayer
We believe that prayer is essential to being and making disciples. God will do great things in proportion to our great dependence on Him.
Relational Discipleship
We believe in making disciples in relational small groups with an intentional leader using a reproducible process.
Spiritual Maturity
We believe we can measure a disciple’s maturity by how well he or she loves, and love expresses itself most clearly through service and sacrifice.
Family Focus
We believe families are the building blocks of a church and a society, and they are the primary environments where disciples are made.
Relentless Evangelism
We believe that multiplying disciples is Jesus’ strategy for reaching the world, and it starts with engaging nonbelievers with the goal of sharing the Gospel. God has called us to do this locally, regionally, and globally.